SBC Clay


Used for straw bale construction. SBC clay is pure A3, one of our native stoneware materials, with a small amount of added bentonite to increase plasticity. This material is light grey in color and exhibits intermediate drying shrinkage, drying hardness and drying time. Experiment with sand and straw proportions to produce a product that works well for you. More sand means less shrinkage and faster drying time but less hardness ... it is a matter of establishing a compromise.

An example recipe:

1 part Plainsman SBC Clay
3 parts masonry sand
1.5 buckets of chopped straw

Please visit for more information.

Physical Properties

 Drying Shrinkage: 5.5-6.5%
 Dry Strength: n/a
 Water Content: 19.5-20.5%
 Drying Factor: C120
 Dry Density: n/a

Sieve Analysis (Tyler mesh):

     +65: 0.1-0.5%
 100-150: 1.5-3.5
 150-200: 3.5-5.5
 200-325: 8.0-11.0

Logo Plainsman Clays
671 Industrial Ave. SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 3L5
Phone: 403-527-8535 FAX:403-527-7508