Fiber Block Insulation, 1" thick Composed of mineral fiber and selected mineral additives. An organic binder that will dissipate above approx. 475°F is used for low temperature handling. Used at service temperatures up to a maximum of 1,900°F (1,038°C).
3' x 1' Board: $44.39each
Hard Brick (Super Duty), 2600*F (9"x4.5"x2.5")
per brick: $16.29
Replacement Bead Rod, 10"L
CBBH, 10"L rod: $20.79ea
Soft Brick K23, 2300F (9"x4.5"x2.5")InfoSDS Our most popular insulating fire brick. K23 is used to make kilns, forges, and for soldering. K23 bricks insulate more efficiently than then K26 and they also fit our most commonly used temperature needs.
Uni-Bond 33 Mortar General purpose, high temperature bonding mortar for laying, surfacing, and bonding firebrick. It has both air and heat setting qualities. Rated to 3000F.